Raised amidst an art-loving family, Rashi graduated as a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Jaipur and professionally pursues painting, dancing and singing. Having spent a majority of her life in India and Indonesia, Rashi’s Jaipur to Jakarta story has many cultural as well as philosophical epiphanies that she endeavours to portray through her collections under brand Artizen.
The zen philosophy emphasis and revolves around simplicity and minimalism. Combining art with these two attributes, brand ArtiZen wishes to bring simple yet transformative art forms into the daily lives of our patrons. Artizen aims to highlight the intrinsic sanctity of various art-forms while ensuring that the derived media or articles garner tangible and utilitarian value for our customers.
Artizen Weaves is the first of the many envisaged ventures under brand ArtiZen.
Artizen Weaves shall delve into the expansive medium of fabrics to showcase its mother brand’s ethos. While working closely with the artisans practising traditional techniques of weaving and printing, the brand shall focus on imbibing modern-world functionality, style and value in its offerings. Artizen Weaves shall curate your every-day wardrobe with practical distillations of traditional textile art forms.